Roblox Phantom Forces Hack 2016

ROBLOX PHANTOM FORCES HACK/EXPLOIT. Credits to: Vousha for posting it on forum! Nopde Engine 6.4: Instructions: Go and join Phantom Forces. Open up Nopde Engine 6.4.

Jun 6th, 2016
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  1. if leleltru then
  2. local lelt={}
  3. local aimbased=true
  4. local sightbased=true
  5. local shooting=false
  6. if input.keyboard.down.leftalt then
  7. autoshoot=not autoshoot
  8. elseif key'j' then
  9. print('aim',aimbased)
  10. weightbased=not weightbased
  11. elseif key'l' then
  12. print('sight',sightbased)
  13. end
  14. char.aimbotstep=function()
  15. for i,v in next,players do
  16. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Head') then
  17. lelp[v]={}
  18. table.insert(lelp[v],1,v.Character.Head.Position)
  19. else
  20. end
  21. table.insert(lelt,1,tick())
  22. local ignorelist={camera.currentcamera,character,workspace.Ignore}
  23. if input.keyboard.down['leftalt'] and weapon and aimbotshit.speed then
  24. if bestp and hud:getplayerhealth(bestp)<=0 or not bestp then
  25. --[[local bestdot=1-2^-5
  26. if lelp[v] and v~=game.Players.LocalPlayer and v.TeamColor~=game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor then
  27. local whatever=vector.anglesyx(camera.angles.x,camera.angles.y):Dot((lelp[v][1]-camera.cframe.p).unit)
  28. bestdot=whatever--hud:getplayerhealth(
  29. end
  30. end]]
  31. local look=vector.anglesyx(camera.angles.x,camera.angles.y)
  32. for i,v in next,players do
  33. end
  34. if lelp[v] and v~=game.Players.LocalPlayer and v.TeamColor~=game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor then
  35. local lookvalue=look:Dot(rel.unit)
  36. lookvalue=math.pi-math.acos(lookvalue<-1 and -1 or lookvalue<1 and lookvalue or 1)
  37. local tlookvalue=-vector.anglesyx(tlook.x,tlook.y):Dot(rel.unit)
  38. tlookvalue=math.pi-math.acos(tlookvalue<-1 and -1 or tlookvalue<1 and tlookvalue or 1)
  39. healthvalue=healthvalue<=0 and 0 or 1/healthvalue
  40. local score=(aimbased and lookvalue or 1)*(weightbased and tlookvalue*healthvalue*distvalue or 1)
  41. local lel=raycast(workspace,ray(camera.cframe.p,rel),ignorelist)
  42. if sightbased and not lel or not sightbased then
  43. bestp=v
  44. end
  45. end
  46. if bestp then
  47. local lel=raycast(workspace,ray(camera.cframe.p,bestlelp[1]-camera.cframe.p),ignorelist)
  48. bestp=nil
  49. local v=physics.trajectory(camera.cframe.p,aimbotshit.addv and rootpart.Velocity/loltimescale or nv,aimbotshit.accel,bestlelp[1],(bestlelp[1]-bestlelp[#bestlelp])/(lelt[1]-lelt[#bestlelp]),nv,aimbotshit.speed)
  50. --print(bestlelp[1],(bestlelp[1]-bestlelp[#bestlelp])/(lelt[1]-lelt[#bestlelp]))
  51. camera:setlookvector(v)
  52. shooting=true
  53. else
  54. shooting=false
  55. if weapon.setaim then weapon:setaim(false) end
  56. end
  57. if autoshoot and shooting then
  58. weapon:shoot(false)
  59. end
  60. else
  61. shooting=false
  62. if weapon.setaim then weapon:setaim(false) end
  63. bestp=nil
  64. end
  65. function char.lelelelelstep()
  66. if weapon.setaim then weapon:setaim(true) end
  67. end
  68. else
  69. char.lelelelelstep=function() end
RAW Paste Data
Roblox phantom forces hack 2019

Phantom Forces January 2016 Uncopylocked