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On ROBLOX, with about 5 frames per second, it’s impossible to build and/or enjoy a game unless you have a great computer/laptop that can run 9001 fps. Otherwise, throw ROBLOX out your window and forget about it. I WOULD list more stuff here but I’m lazy.:P Message me if you agree/disagree on something or something. @ceejayy go to settings(in windows) then applications/programs then default programs and then look down for something like 'default programs by protocol', find the roblox protocol and associate it with the browser. I think thats how it should work.

A Node.js wrapper for interacting with the Roblox API. Forked from roblox-js.

About • Prerequisites • Installation • Docs • Examples • Credits • License


Noblox.js is a node module that was forked from sentanos's roblox-js module. This project was created because the roblox-js repository was no longer maintained by sentanos.

Noblox.js allows you to do things you would normally do on the Roblox website through a Node.js interface. You can use noblox.js along with Roblox's HttpService feature to create scripts that interact with the website. If you're looking for more information on how to create something like this, check out this repository by sentanos. Keep in mind that this does not use the latest version of this module and it is highly encouraged that you learn to use the library directly.


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With node.js installed simply run:

That's it!


You can find the current noblox.js wiki with all API documentation here. Keep in mind that all methods may not be documented.

Making use of new login workaround

Note, as of v4.6.0 The way you log in to Noblox has changed significantly.The library is no longer responsible for refreshing your cookies

This is because of many reasons including that creating a file caused several security/usability issues and made the library incompatible with some hosts.

Initial setup

  1. Remove any usages of the login or cookieLogin methods.
  2. Run setCookie with your cookie. This will store your cookie internally and validate it, but will perform no cookie refresh automatically
  3. While this works, Roblox .ROBLOSECURITY cookies expire after an unknown length of time. For applications which run continuously, you must use the function refreshCookie to prevent this. This will refresh either the cookie you pass or the internally stored cookie and return the new one.*
  4. You need to store this new cookie somewhere - whether it be in a database, or a JSON file.

* See Cookie expiration for an in depth discussion of cookie expiration.

Note: By default, setCookie will validate the cookie you provide by making a HTTP request.To Disable this behaviour, pass false as the second parameter (validate)

Getting your cookie (Chrome):

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  1. Open any Roblox page and login
  2. Press Control + Shift + i on your keyboard
  3. Click Application
  4. Find .ROBLOSECURITY. Copy its contents, which will start with: _|WARNING:-DO
  5. Put this full token, including the warning into cookieLogin: rbx.setCookie( tokenHere )


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This example makes use of the new async-await syntax.


  • You need to set up something to store and refresh cookies yourself
  • Roblox-js-server is not currently compatible. Use noblox.js-server instead.

Common issues


In July 2020 Roblox updated the endpoint we used to get CSRF tokens ( and essentially disabled it.They didn't warn anyone of this change so as of v4.6.3 we've updated to a new endpoint that works.To make use of the new fix, run npm install noblox.js@4.6.3. Alternatively, use latest to get the latest version.


Cookie expiration

We do not know for a fact whether Roblox cookies expire. Roblox has not enlightened us on this fact, so we're pretty much in the dark.

We advise that you refresh your cookies in a production environment no more often than once every 24 hours.However, several users have noted lately that they've had cookies last for several months - meaning you could choose not to refresh your cookie.


  • suufi - Lead maintainer
  • sentanos - We wouldn't exist without him. 😀
  • Neztore - Library maintenance and review
  • popeeyy - Creation of the documentation.
  • edward - Helping with the creation of the documentation.


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